Sunday, August 31, 2008
Interview with Zooey Deschanel
She talked about how important arts education is to school kids and how that issue is very important to her because she's an artist. She also had a great idea for a way that kids can get involved in the election. She said that you could do something like make jewelry and sell it (like her neice does) or have a bake sale or something, then donate the money to the campaign of someone who you think will support the issues that are important to you.
So, basically, she's nice, creative and talented. Oh, and she sings in a band, too. Anyway, here's my interview with her:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday at the DNC, Part 1
Thursday, August 28, 2008
KUER News Story about Kids Rock the Vote
Here is the link to our interview with her.
KUER Interview
WWE Smackdown Your Vote Interview
Then, when the WWE correspondent asked to re-do the ending of the segment, we taped a new ending to the interview and a public service announcement.
Wednesday at the DNC, Part 2
Wednesday night, the convention was so much fun! It was so crowded that they stopped letting anyone but delegates into the convention hall. Since Wes, my mom and I weren't delegates, we walked around until our dad could find seats for us and ran into a few people, like Anne Hathaway again. Then, we made friends with a security person and she let us go backstage to watch the show. We couldn't believe it! It was cool.
A lot of the Hollywood celebrities and some famous politicians like Sen. George McGovern sat with the Utah delegation all week. After the convention ended, we met Josh Lucas who we have seen in "Sweet Home Alabama".
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday at the DNC, Part 1
Then, we met Jeff who works for HDNet and Dan Rather Reports. He was so great. He fixed our computer problem so that we could upload some of our videos and let us sit in his office to watch Hillary Clinton's speech. I found out that reporters work really long hours, which I had sort of already figured out doing this blog, and that they are very nice, smart, multitalented people.
This morning, we had breakfast with the Utah people, then got dressed in nice clothes and went over to the Denver Museum where Mom thought we might find Anne Hathaway for an interview. First, we found Matthew Modine and Richard Schiff. They talked to us about education, global warming, arts education and more. We found out that Matthew Modine is from Utah! That's pretty cool.
Next we talked to Susan Sarandon, who has won an academy award. Then, I met Zooey Deschanel from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! That is one of my favorite movies. I was really glad that Zoey was so nice, it could have totally ruined the movie for me if she wasn't. She was sweet, though.
I could have died when Anne was about to leave and Wesley handed her his business card and said, "Be sure to give us a call!" I was embarrassed, but everybody else thought it was funny. Whatever. Anyway, tonight at the convention, we ran into her again and she talked to us for a minute there, too.
As soon as we have time (it takes FOREVER to download all of the videos) we will post all of our interviews from the convention. Our interviews for today included:
Matthew Modine
Richard Schiff
Susan Sarandon
Congressman John Tanner--Tennessee
Congressman Patrick Kennedy--Rhode Island
Zoey Deschanel
Ashley Judd
Congressman John Lewis
Congressman Chet Edwards--Texas, who we have known forever and who was ALMOST VICE PRESIDENT (that would have been SO awesome!!!!!)
Guess Who We Met?
We're headed out to a Blue Dog Coalition reception right now (our dad was a founder of the Blue Dogs) and then we're going on the floor of the convention. WOOT! Back tonight...
Will and Wes
Interview with Congressman Barney Frank
We interviewed Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the chairman of the US House Financial Services Committee, and asked him how kids can get involved in this year’s election. He said that there are a lot of ways kids can help a candidate, and they are usually happy to have the kids involved. However, he gave this advice: If you say you’re going to do it, DO IT!
See the complete interview below:
Part of the Fall Out Boy Interview
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fall Out Boy, Part 2, Daughtry and More
Will asked Andy Hurley (below) what political issues were most important to him, and he said that global warming was most important--global warming and the environment.
Next came this guy. Someone told us that his name was "Pharrell". We didn't know who he was, but he seemed to think that everyone should. He just passed right by us. He acted sort of cocky. He did an interview with MTV, but that was it. He wouldn't meet with us even though several people tried to introduce us. We weren't sad or anything. But it was weird that the people that EVERYBODY knows (except my dad) who are super big stars were so nice. And this guy who we had never heard of wasn't so nice. We looked him up on the internet today and found out that he is with a band called N.E.R.D. Maybe one day when he gets to be a big star he'll be nicer.
Rockin' with Fall Out Boy, Part 1
But (sorry Mr. Chairmen) it got WAY better. So first, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) interviewed us and asked us to film a short promotion thing for Smackdown the Vote. That was pretty sweet. But then, the Rock the Vote people came in. Seth from Rock the Vote brought the entire FALL OUT BOY band over to us! Yeah. I'm really not kidding! The first picture is Wes looking awestruck as Seth tells Pete to come say hello to us.
The last picture shows us looking dumbfounded that Pete is STILL hanging out with us and talking to us. It was pretty cool, but it wasn't over yet.
Interview with Congressman Charlie Rangel, Chairman of the US House Ways and Means Committee
Congressman Charles Rangel from New York is the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. It's a very important committee because they decide how to pay for everything and how much everybody pays for taxes. I asked him what the most important issue that affects kids that Congress is working on. Listen to the video above to hear his answer.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Rockin' The Vote with Bob Springmeyer, Dem for Utah Governor
WES: Mr. Springmeyer said that one way kids can get involved in political campaigns is to communicate with other kids, their families and their friends over the internet and tell them who they are supporting and why. We agree TOTALLY! Mr. Springmeyer has a Facebook page and he says that he finds a lot of volunteers through the internet.
WILL: I felt that one of the most important ideas Mr. Springmeyer talked about was that no matter who you are, you can always help out and volunteer for a candidate who you support. You can go to their campaign headquarters and volunteer to do things like put up lawn signs in your neighborhood, make campaign calls to talk to people about the candidate, and march in parades with the candidates. Actually, I've done parades with my dad before and they're pretty fun!
You can see our full interview with Mr. Springmeyer, candidate for governor of Utah, below.
Kids Rock with Rich Piatt of KSL-TV

WILL: Rich said that the press covers events like the DNC so that people who weren’t there would know what happened and could make their own decisions about which politicians would represent their views and opinions the best.
WES: I also thought Rich was right when he said that when you have a dollar and somebody rips it in half, that doesn’t feel very good. He’s right. And that’s what happens with taxes.
You can watch our full interview with Richard Piatt from KSL-TV below.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
We Made It To Denver!
Will and Wes
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Our Interview with Director of Obama Utah
WES: I thought it was interesting when she said that Sen. Obama made her feel like it was okay to be a Democrat because of her faith instead of despite her faith. She said that she felt that way because Sen. Obama wants to help poor people and wants to make the world a better and safer place for kids.
WILL: I thought it was very interesting and new that Ms. Gelderman wanted our input on some of the questions that we asked of her. I was glad she was interested in getting our points of view and I hope that she will pass our opinions on to Senator Obama. It’s good to know that some of our leaders really do care about what’s important to kids.
You can watch our full interview with Utah State Director of Obama for America Suzanne Gelderman below:
Interview with KUER
Welcome to Kids Rock The Vote!
We are two brothers who are total opposites of each other. But we both agree that kids can make a difference and this year's election gives us a chance to help change our country and our futures.
Before we start talking about the campaign, we want to introduce ourselves...

Favorite Food: Veggie Suicide (a mix of lots of green, white and yellow veggies)
Favorite School Subject: Any science class
Favorite Hobbies: Building cool stuff with Lego's and junk I find, singing, playing MySims on the Wii, hanging out with my friends
Favorite Band(s): Five for Fighting, The Beatles, Billy Joel (soft, meaningful stuff)
Favorite Brands: Abercrombie, Ralph Lauren and Sperry (Topsiders are awesome!)
Career Goals: Marine Biologist living on Antarctica and trying to save the penguins
College Choice(s): Harvard, MIT, Duke or Johns Hopkins
Political Views: Liberal (I want more money spent on public schools; I want more action on environmental issues; I want the war in Iraq to end by, like, five years ago; and if we need to raise taxes to fix our country, then we should raise the taxes of everyone except for the poor. And if you're making $5 million per year, you're not poor)

Favorite Food: Steak and Salmon (with no bones)
Favorite School Subjects: Art and Recess (I know it's not a subject)
Favorite Hobbies: Riding bikes and hanging out with my friends, riding my 4-wheeler, playing my guitar
Favorite Bands: REM, Bowling for Soup. I like good lyrics and a strong beat
Favorite Brands: QuikSilver, Hurley, O'Neill, Billabong
Future Career: Race car driver or car designer
College Choice: Not sure, but maybe University of Utah
Political Views: Conservative (I think that everyone should pay somewhere close to the same percentages of taxes; I would rather cut out money that we spend than tax everybody more; I think it's time to end the war in Iraq, but I don't think that we can just pull everybody out right away; I think that people who make $300,000 a year are middle income)
Thanks for coming to visit us! We hope you'll check out our blog and tell your friends about us.
Will and Wes