Oh. My. Gosh. So, last night we had our Rock the Vote gig to go to and get some "gets" (which is evidently what everyone in the interviewing biz calls the big interviews. Well, first we ran into our friend Congressman Barney Frank, Chairman of the US House Financial Affairs Committee (sometimes called the banking committee) and we interviewed him. Then, we ran into Congressman Dale Kildee who is a subcommittee chairman for the US House Education Committee and interviewed him. Then, we ran into Congressman Charlie Rangel, chairman of the very powerful and important House Ways and Means Committee who is totally one of the big kahuna's on Capitol Hill (we see him on the political TV shows ALL the time). So, yeah, we thought we were doing pretty well getting our "gets".
But (sorry Mr. Chairmen) it got WAY better. So first, WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) interviewed us and asked us to film a short promotion thing for Smackdown the Vote. That was pretty sweet. But then, the Rock the Vote people came in. Seth from Rock the Vote brought the entire FALL OUT BOY band over to us! Yeah. I'm really not kidding! The first picture is Wes looking awestruck as Seth tells Pete to come say hello to us.

Wes asked Pete what political issues he cares about the most. Pete stood and told us that foreign policy was the most important issue to him. Then he asked us a couple of questions, even though we had to keep posing for pictures and stuff. He was totally cool. Oh, and he took our business cards and put them in his pocket. Maybe he'll be my new pen pal? Yeah. Not. But still cool.

This is Wes and me posing for the official Rock the Vote photographer with our new bud Pete. Since my mom was running the video camera, she handed her still camera to some random woman standing beside us. The random woman did a pretty decent job taking pics for us considering how everyone was all bunched around us, but I hope Seth gets us the official pics. That would be SO sweeeeet.
The last picture shows us looking dumbfounded that Pete is STILL hanging out with us and talking to us. It was pretty cool, but it wasn't over yet.
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