Friday, October 10, 2008

Rock The Vote Updates

WOW! It's been busy. Voter registration in Utah ended on October 6th. We were excited to sign up new voters and re-register people who needed to update their registrations.

Our last voter registration drive was on Thursday, October 2nd at West High School. It was the last of four voter registration drives held at the school, so we didn't expect to find any people left to sign up. However, we registered a bunch of new voters and re-registered one person who had moved to a different address. It was awesome.

The top pic is of me with TJ Ellerbeck (who helped me with the registration drive) and a senior at my school who registered to vote in her first election. (I go to middle school at a high school--long story.) The second pic is of me with the Salt Lake County Clerk, Ms. Sherrie Swensen, when I went to the county offices to turn in the voter registrations I collected.

Now, we're really busy doing Get Out The Vote (GOTV) stuff. Next week, we'll have new GOTV videos featuring members of some of your favorite bands posted for high school TV stations to download and remind their school's first-time voters to go out to the polls and VOTE. Stay tuned...

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